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Consider Why Your Health Would Benefit from CBD

Cannabinoids such as CBD have a dizzying array of functions in the human body, influencing everything from inflammation to anxiety and depression. You don’t necessarily need to have a serious illness to benefit from CBD; even healthy individuals can experience a remarkable increase in their quality of life with its use.

The following is a chart of illnesses/conditions that whose symptoms may be relieved by CBD:

• Pain (neuropathic, chronic etc.)

• Epilepsy

• Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

• Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

• Parkinson’s

• Inflammation

• Acne

• Dyskinesia

• Psoriasis

• Broken Bones

• Mad Cow Disease

• Depression

• Bacterial Infections

• Diabetes

• Rheumatoid Arthritis

• Nausea

• Anxiety


• Schizophrenia

• Substance Abuse/Withdrawal

• Heart Disease

• Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Keep in mind that this CBD benefits list is in no way complete; we are only beginning to discover how cannabinoids can help.

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New ways to improve our mental and physical wellbeing

It makes sense then, that more of us are searching for new ways to improve our mental and physical wellbeing.

From brain-boosting nutrition and CBD to digital detoxes, the world of wellness is showing no signs of slowing when it comes to new innovations, making 2019 the year of #selfcare – a hashtag that’s clocked up more than 13m posts on Instagram.

With that in mind, here’s our round up the top 10 wellbeing trends of 2019 so far:


Products containing CBD, otherwise known as cannabidiol, has become increasingly sought after in the US in recent times.

CBD is an all-natural compound found in the marijuana plant.

In contrast to Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), another compound in the plant which is psychoactive, CBD does not have the same effect.

On the other hand, CBD is not psychoactive and has become renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties.

The compound has become a popular ingredient in beauty products, with some studies claiming it can reduce symptoms of acne.

#Truebliss #healing #conciousliving #wellness #namaste #nature #selflove #cannabiscommunity #consciousness #mindfulliving #wellnessblogger #plantpowered #gratitude #wellnessjourney #wellness #cbdlife #cbdmovement #cbdhealth #cbd #healthyself #cbdproducts #highervibes #cbdoil #truenatualoils

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True Natural Oils prides our hand crafted use of essential Terpenes in our formulas.

True Natural Oils Terpene enhanced CBD oil is designed to improve your pain level, stress & anxiety and mental clarity.  It is full of carefully selected natural terpenes with a specific impact on the individual mood and wellness. The terpenes are essential and highly beneficial compounds derived from plants, owing to their particular effects on the body. Each product is offering a specific feel: True Wellness 750mg, True Bliss 1500mg and True Fusion 3000mg. Designed to suit even the most distinct taste, the Terpene enhanced CBD oils come in the standard 30 ml bottle with varying amounts of CBD.

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Assistance in sleep and reducing anxiety

We at NATURAL OILS, INC. are in the process of developing products which contain CBN for the assistance in sleep and reducing anxiety.  With careful research and much excitement of bringing you the best and newly emerging product, we are confident our oral spray will be the finest on the market. 

We have knowledge of a global team that is the first US cannabis company to successfully isolate cannabinol (CBN) from a full spectrum hemp extract. The proprietary process to isolate CBN from full spectrum hemp extract produces an oil that produces high amounts of CBN and zero THC.

Cannabinol or “CBN” as it is known, is a highly sought after cannabinoid known for its potential health benefits on sleep, stress, and pain. CBN is produced naturally from the degradation of THC and is naturally present in high amounts in several varieties of industrial hemp grown under certain conditions.

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Happy 4/20

Today, there is still widespread controversy surrounding this powerful plant ally. As time and perception evolves, we are slowly but surely working on lifting the stigma surrounding Cannabis, and repealing many of the unnecessarily stringent laws. As of now, medical use of cannabis is available in 33 states, and recreational use in 11.⠀

At True Natural Oils, we celebrate the culture and healing power of Cannabis through our CBD products. CBD is the the second most prominent chemical compound available in the cannabis the plant. In addition to its antioxidant properties, research suggests that CBD helps to reduce inflammation, ease anxiety, promote cardiovascular health, and aids in healing neurological disorders.⠀

Discover our CBD products and learn more about how they work by visiting our website, linked in our bio @truenaturaloils.  Try Our New “True CBD Starter Pack.


  • 5 ml True Wellness
  • 5 ml True Bliss
  • 5 ml True Fusion
  • 1 oz. True Soothe Lotion
  • 5-pack True Gem gummies
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The mechanism of action of CBD is multifold

Two cannabinoid receptors are known to exist in the human body: CB1 and CB2 receptors. The CB1 receptors are located mainly in the brain and modulate neurotransmitter release in a manner that (1) prevents excessive neuronal activity, thus calming and decreasing anxiety; (2) reduces pain; (3) decreases inflammation; (4) regulates movement and posture control; and (5) controls sensory perception, memory, and cognitive function.

Let our products help you with 1-5. Our CBD oil is lab-tested as soon as it is extracted to ensure an accurate amount of CBD. 

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Robin’s Write Ups

 As we approach this Holy week in April, 2020, none of us imagined what we would be currently facing in our communities. I trust and pray that all of you are well, healthy and staying at home during this shelter in place mandate. 

It is the perfect time to tell you, once again, about a wonderful testimony of the immunologic supportive properties of CBD. As many of you know, I still work as a retail pharmacist. I have been called in for many shifts lately and have encountered COVID-19 positive patients. 

My health and overall emotional level has been so elevated through this adversity.  With the extra stress of working during this time, I feel very supported and grateful for feeling well.  

My regimen in taking our Fusion 3000mg product is even more rigid. I am taking three droppers full, held under the tongue for 60 seconds, twice a day. I make sure that I have my dose before leaving for work and, of course, at night before bed.  I find that I am resting well and feeling very motivated through the trying times. Now, in addition to taking Fusion, I will tell you that I am practicing all measures of keeping myself and my husband safe.  Upon returning home, I immediately wash all of my clothes that were worn inside the pharmacy and jump directly in the shower!  I certainly am taking every precaution to being a good example of good health practices.

This Easter we all join together in the sadness of not being able to gather with our family and loved ones. Please let us all be committed to social distancing and flattening the curve of this dreadful virus. Also, let us remember the story of Easter and Jesus’ sacrifice. May God shower you with blessings, love, and peace this Easter.  I wish you and your family continued Wellness until next time. 

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Robin’s Write up

Hope everyone has  had a wonderful past month and experienced wellness and good health.

I have a terrific testimony to share with you. A story and experience a lady shared with me while we were sitting in the airport awaiting our next flight.  The motive of the topic was exclaiming that the flu was still raging in full force. And what worse than to be sitting in an airplane full of people. She had mentioned she was just coming back from a cross-country flight from the East Coast. While there, she was taking care of her mother who was in a nursing home. She explained she spent quite a bit of time in the nursing home.

The problem was the patients were All quarantined from an upper respiratory illness that was running rampant through the nursing home. Also, while there, she was battling the frigid temperatures and snowy conditions. She then told me that she was feeling as though she was coming down with The beginnings of an upper respiratory bronchial type of illness. She then shared with me that she had been taking CBD oil and all throughout this winter season it has kept her well. She went on to say that she was doubling her dose of CBD oil while she was feeling sick and it seemed to thwart the development of the bronchitis. 

I, of course, interjected my thoughts on the topic and told her she was absolutely correct! The immunological benefits of CBD oil to support the immune system through supporting the cells that fight infection are extraordinary. I told her that daily administration of CBD oil truly would keep away most illnesses. As for her story to me, the lady that I briefly encountered in the airport, just goes to prove that this incredible oil is maintaining wellness across the nation. It was wonderful to talk to her that day about this particular topic!

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Robin’s Write Ups

Good afternoon my fellow CBD followers. It is now the beginning of March and it is no surprise that the circulation of continuing sickness and colds are still upon us even this time of year! Since I have been taking CBD oil on a regular basis, I would like to exclaim that I have not had any significant episodes of colds or sickness in the last two years!

  However, recently my husband came down with a cold while we were traveling this past New Year’s. Despite giving each of us extra doses of True Fusion 3000 mg, the rhinovirus won this time!  But, I have to declare we feel that the cold did not take hold of us to the degree that it would have had we not been treating ourselves with CBD oil.  The immunological support of CBD oil is remarkable!  CBD oil has an affinity for CB2 receptors that cause a signaling to the immunological components of our bodies. Supporting these components is, essentially, what keeps us well!  Even though I have very mild symptoms such as a couple of sneezes and a little tingling in my nose, I feel the symptoms are entirely suppressed by the continued dosage I’m giving myself of CBD oil. To equate my dosage for you, I am taking 300 to 400 mg at least twice a day if not three times a day.  Typically, I would take 300 mg twice a day. But I try to increase it if there is a presence of sickness.  I am going to do further research on reports in clinical format on this exact topic. I look forward to sharing the research with you!

 Hope you all have wonderful, cold- free, continuations of your new year!