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We have been working with Golden Bee Hemp for years now, and we are excited to announce the launch of their new product- 1000 mg Extra Strength Pain Salve.
We have been working together to develop the best formula for their new product, and it’s finally available for purchase!
Robin, our Research & Product Development Specialist, has helped formulate it so that it could be the most effective in relieving pain. It now features 1000 mg of Broad Spectrum CBD, and Organic Terpenes handpicked by Robin to best combat body pain.
In addition, it also features Arnica & Menthol. Arnica flowers have been used for centuries because they are known to support circulation, thus allowing oxygen to reach injured cells faster. In terms of bruises, sprains, and other injuries, this means that healing time is decreased, and recovery comes faster.
Menthol is known as a counterirritant. It works by causing the skin to feel cool, and then warm. These feelings on the skin distract you from feeling the aches/pains deeper in your muscles and joints.
Golden Bee Hemp is Vegan, Cruelty-Free & Ethical. Also a Laguna Beach company, they strive to support the support the community by sourcing local ingredients when possible, and also support fair-trade practices, as they ensure fare wages are met for labor. In addition, they also donate a portion of proceeds to support the declining number of bee colonies!
To read more about the launch of their new product on their blog, click below! To shop the product, click here!
Golden Bee Hemp Extra Strength Pain Salve- Lemongrass
1000 mg CBD + Select Organic Terpenes, Arnica, Menthol
CBD is derived from the hemp plant, a kind of cannabis which unlike marijuana does not have the psychoactive effects produced by high THC levels. Hemp has grown in popularity among farmers and health and wellness retailers in recent years. Its ingredients, including CBD, can be used in a variety of consumer products, including cosmetics, biofuel and food. CBD is purported to have various health benefits, including the reduction of depression and anxiety, but scientific research validating such benefits has been limited to this point.
CBD could help block ACE2, or the molecule that Covid-19 disease uses to enter a person’s cells and spread infection.
Mice that were treated with CBD experienced reduced expression of IL-6, which is an important factor for cytokine storms, as well as lowered levels of other proinflammatory cytokines. CBD treatment aided in reversing inflammatory indices and partially reestablishing homeostasis. Another exciting find of the study was that mice who received the CBD treatment also showed increases in lymphocyte levels in their blood, which are vital white blood cells that help fight off infections. Researchers of the study believe that CBD could play an immunotherapeutic role in treating other severe respiratory viral infections similar to COVID-19.
“The current data support the notion that the anti-inflammatory function of CBD may reduce cytokine storm and mitigate the effects of exaggerated inflammation” the authors explain (1). Further adding that, “considering all potential regulatory effects of CBD as well as the vast distribution of endocannabinoid system in the body, it is plausible that CBD may be used as a therapeutic candidate in the treatment of various inflammatory conditions including COVID-19 and other virus-induced ARDS.”
With this being an early study, more research needs to be performed, particularly on human subjects with COVID-19 related ARDS to validate and expand this therapeutic strategy. This evidence on the additional health benefits of CBD provides hope in the uncharted waters of not only COVID-19 but other illnesses as well, hopefully ending the stigma of this enlightening cannabis plant.
The current data support the notion that the anti-inflammatory function of CBD may reduce cytokine storm and mitigate the effects of exaggerated inflammation the authors explain. Further adding that, considering all potential regulatory effects of CBD as well as the vast distribution of endocannabinoid system in the body, it is plausible that CBD may be used as a therapeutic candidate in the treatment of various inflammatory conditions including COVID-19 and other virus-induced ARDS.
With this being an early study, more research needs to be performed, particularly on human subjects with COVID-19 related ARDS to validate and expand this therapeutic strategy. This evidence on the additional health benefits of CBD provides hope in the uncharted waters of not only COVID-19 but other illnesses as well, hopefully ending the stigma of this enlightening cannabis plant.
As researchers and doctors rush to understand the novel coronavirus, sometimes new evidence contradicts old claims. Cannabis represents a main topic where scientists have spun 180 degrees in discussing how the plant interacts with COVID-19. Public health officials announced back in March that marijuana smokers and vapers were more at risk to contract and spread the coronavirus.
Lung health experts still don’t recommend inhaling any combustible material like tobacco or marijuana, due to the inflammation caused in your airways. However, cannabis has emerged as an unlikely candidate in preventing and treating COVID-19 symptoms.
Following a study conducted at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada, researchers believe that strong cannabis strains could prove valuable in preventing or treating coronavirus infections.
Their study led them to hypothesize that those extracts high in CBD could be leveraged to combat Covid-19 infections by modulating levels of ACE2 (angiotensin-converting enzyme II) in certain “gateway” tissues.
These include lung tissue, oral/nasal mucosa, gastrointestinal tract, kidney, and testes. The researchers believe that modulating ACE2 levels in these areas with CBD could help to decrease people’s susceptibility to Covid-19. As the coronavirus can only enter a human host with a receptor, i.e. ACE2, targeting these could reduce the risk of infection significantly.
Its goal is to determine whether CBD can increase the effectiveness of corticosteroids (a key treatment for autoimmune illnesses) or allow for steroid dosages to reduce while enhancing their effect.
The research conducted by Stero Therapeutics and the University of Lethbridge’s team could open the doors to unexpected new ways to prevent, and treat, coronavirus. However, further studies will be required to verify the research and facilitate the creation of CBD-centric solutions suitable for COVID-19 patients.
Whatever the outcome, the need for an effective treatment is urgent.
As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, researchers have started to look for solutions in an unlikely place – the cannabis plant. Cannabis’ active compounds have a number of properties that make it appealing as a potential adjunct treatment for infections from the novel coronavirus, and recently scientists have begun looking at its potential for reducing susceptibility to the disease, and even discussed whether it could be used as an antiviral medication.
This month, researchers from the University of Nebraska and the Texas Biomedical Research Institute are recommending more research into how cannabis-derived CBD might help treat dangerous lung inflammation from the novel coronavirus. The authors detailed the evidence for how cannabis’ anti-inflammatory powers may help in a peer reviewed article in this month’s issue of Brain, Behavior, and Immunity.
In the article, researchers explain that “recent reports have suggested that acute infection is associated with a cytokine superstorm, which contributes to the symptoms of fever, cough, muscle pain.” These extreme instances of inflammation can lead to severe pneumonia which clog up the lungs, make breathing difficult or impossible. So, one of the important strategies that scientists are studying in the fight against COVID-19 is reducing inflammation.
As we continue to see outbreaks of the novel coronavirus surging, many are waiting and hoping for treatments to be developed that might treat, cure or prevent the potentially deadly disease. In a surprising turn of events, cannabis is on the list of potential treatments.
While researchers are exploring many different possibilities in combating COVID-19, some researchers are looking into whether cannabis or cannabis derived CBD might offer benefits for those suffering from severe forms of this infection. Interestingly, there have been several different ways researchers have suggested CBD might help, including its ability to reduce ACE2 expression and pro-inflammatory cytokine production to fight lung inflammation, and it’s potential as an antiviral. But few studies have tested these theories with actual experimentation.
Now new evidence is adding support to the theory that cannabis derived CBD may help those suffering from the severe lung inflammation that occurs in more serious cases of COVID-19. The study from researchers at Augusta University in Georgia suggests that CBD may positively impact ARDS or acute respiratory distress syndrome – a dangerous symptom in COVID-19 caused by an overactive inflammatory response. This is sometimes referred to as a ‘cytokine storm’. The authors of the study explain that “currently, other than supportive measures, there is no definitive cure for ARDS, illustrating the urgent need for creative and effective therapeutic modalities to treat this complex condition.”