As we grow, we always look for ways to save you, as the customer, money.
We would like our products to be as accessible as possible, which is why we have dropped the price of our True Soothe Lotion permanently.
Down from $54.95, it is now $39.95, and will be forever, unless we find more ways to save you $!
This high potency, soft to the touch, and rapidly vanishing topical lotion, is fantastic for quick relief of inflammation, muscle pain or tenderness, or skin conditions such as eczema.
It is complemented with a very light and clean scent.
If you have not tried, please take this opportunity to explore what anti-inflammatory CBD could do for you!
Autoimmune Diseases such as: Lupus, Psoriasis, Type 1 Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, etc. have shown to be linked to stress. For example, in this study citing a higher incidence of autoimmune diseases among people who were previously diagnosed with stress-related disorders. Another paper publishes:
“Physical and psychological stress has been implicated in the development of autoimmune disease, since numerous animal and human studies demonstrated the effect of sundry stressors on immune function. Moreover, many retrospective studies found that a high proportion (up to 80%) of patients reported uncommon emotional stress before disease onset.
It is presumed that the stress-triggered neuroendocrine hormones lead to immune dysregulation, which ultimately results in autoimmune disease, by altering or amplifying cytokine [inflammatory response] production. The treatment of autoimmune disease should thus include stress management and behavioral intervention to prevent stress-related immune imbalance. “
Because of CBD’s ability to combat stress levels (see previous blog post), it provides as a preventative measure and potential therapy for Autoimmune Disorders as a stress management tool.
**These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information is not medical advice, and should not be treated as such.
Modern-day science continues to show the link between Stress & Disease. Stress can be defined as any experience that causes tension, whether that be physical, psychological, or emotional- and especially if it sets off the “fight or flight” response – during which the adrenal gland releases adrenaline, leading to rapid pulse and breathing, and increased blood pressure).
“Chronic stress result [in] failures of homeostasis, [and] thus lead to various diseases such as atherosclerosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and depression. However, while 75%–90% of human diseases is related to the activation of stress system, the common pathways between stress exposure and pathophysiological processes underlying disease is still debatable.
Chronic inflammation is an essential component of chronic diseases. Additionally, accumulating evidence suggested that excessive inflammation plays critical roles in the pathophysiology of the stress-related diseases, yet the basis for this connection is not fully understood.” this paper publishes.
In previous blog posts, we have spoken widely about CBD’s potential in regulating inflammation and returning the body to homeostasis. We have even shown how CBD acts in a similar way as antidepressants as it works on the serotonin (5HT)1a receptor. Serotonin deficiency is associated with depression and other psychiatric disorders, and it is likely that the effects CBD has on mood and anxiety are related to this interaction.