Hello fellow wellness friends and welcome!
Let me first introduce myself. I’m Robin McDonald, RPH, and have been asked to be a medical research advocate for True Oils, Inc. My passion has been inspired a number of ways. But, personally, to have experience of the benefits of True Natural Oils is an absolute miracle.
Allow me to take you back almost two and half years ago. A lady (I considered her a good friend) who came to my pharmacy to fill her prescriptions began telling me about reducing her dosage of her seizure medication. As any medical professional would do, I discouraged her from doing so. What if she had a recurrence of her seizure? What if she placed herself into danger? But then she began describing how she started to take these drops of this new oil. It’s was called CBD oil. Pulling me over to the side of the pharmacy, she was whispering to me just how she was taking this new mysterious supplement. I was instantly intrigued! She divulged to me that she had not had a seizure in over 6 months. And this was with the reduction of her seizure medication. How could this be?
My friend asked me to contact her personally when I was free to talk about it. So I did and she told me more about how she started to take this oil. Her neighbor was distributing a CBD oil product and knew
that she suffered from seizures. Her neighbor gave her some CBD oil to try and within a couple weeks my friend felt the difference. Not only was she no longer experiencing seizures, but she felt an overall sense of wellness. No more were her joints aching or stiff. And no more was her thinking or thoughts cloudy. She became more cognitively aware and clear. All because she was placing 10 drops of the highest potency product in her morning coffee. Or sometimes, just under her tongue.
Now please let me share with you that my same friend has over 5 angioma, blood-filled, tumors on her brain. This is the culprit for her seizures. Every time she experiences a change of cranial blood pressure, it results in a seizure. With the use of this miraculous CBD oil she is now seizure free. And continues to be seizure free to this date.
You see, my wellness friends, it is experiences and stories such as these that I am delighted to share with you! Please look forward for my next blog. And as always, please reach out with any questions that I may answer for you. I look forward to helping you onto a better pathway of Health!